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Break Pong


As you may have figured out already, the two games I merged are the classics of Breakout and Pong. Break Pong is a great project worked on solo by myself. All programming, artwork, sound, the lot! Break Pong uses these two classic games that are more than 35 years old into a pixelated retro showdown. Break your opponent's blocks using your Pong Paddle to find the goal-scoring spots. 

The starting base layout and idea of the game originates from Pong except Break Pong adds Breakout brick walls on either side, in front of each player’s goal. Every time that the player has scored, each player will have their wall reset so that all of of their bricks are back for a fresh round. A timer will be added for the ball to check if a goal is scored. If a goal is yet to be scored in that round, then the speed shall increase. After scored, the speed resets.

Visual Level Design

For this project, I decided to use some time for Pre-Production, to be able to create a Visual Level Design layout on PowerPoint. I created a slide for every room in the game.


The files will soon be available to download via

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